Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Three Stellar Phoenix SQL Recovery secrets that I bet you didn’t know

Stellar Phoenix SQL Recovery Software used systematic process to recover corrupt SQL Database and most of the new users don’t know about it. They simply thought that software recovered corrupt database, restoring database objects, put recovered data in to a new folder and then expect that database get recovered. But this is not all about the recovery process & the process doesn’t work that way. Yes it is true that these are the main functions of this software. But this software also has many advanced features that user may not be familiar with. Here are a few Software Recovery tips that I’d like to share with you guys:-

Save Queries of Severely Corrupted Objects: When database repairable objects preview shows in demo version then the user are sure to purchase the software but when the software won't shows any data in preview section it does not mean that the software is not able to recover the database, this is only first point which we should keep in our mind. The other points are that database gets severely damage. In this case may be other software also won't work. This software has feature to handle severely corruption: It permits database administrator to retrieve the query of the objects & save it in a Text file. With this advanced feature users don’t have to write long queries again. 

Give your database recovery process a fast start and do not need to wait until finish scanning process: This software has another advanced feature which allow user to select any specific objects to be recover from the list of recoverable SQL Data  without create any interruption in scanning process. So users have no need to wait till the end of the scanning process.

Database Recovery means a lot:  Stellar Phoenix understand the value of your database & have all efficient features to recover your corrupt SQL Server database. It offers easy steps to recover database such as full information about the software in help file, find option to search the database file if you forgot the location, recover almost all SQL Server components, recover both files mdf & ndf etc. 

I am sure the share information on SQL Recovery is very useful for you. In case you have found anything which I have forgot to mention in my post please let me know I will surely add it in my next post. 

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